sábado, 19 de mayo de 2018

Chapter 12: Final Thoughts

I hope this book serves as a witness to the fact that all who live can make a difference for good. You don't have to be an acclaimed superstar to stand as an ensign. The solution to hedonism is building a life focused on making and living according to the covenants with God, at living morally upright lives, providing service, and giving back to others. 

Our legacy in Earth can continue. 

Chapter 11: The New Zealand Experience

"Before Launching Leaders, I did not believe my dreams were posible". -Yi-Han Wu.

Launching Leaders
It is a 12-week intesive career-training and personal development program aimed at providing the skills, knowledge, and support needed by young people to put into action their business, professional, or entrepreneurial ideas. Participants are paired with a carefully and specifically chosen mentor. The goal is to combine spiritual teachings with concrete business principles. We recognize the bigger picture of personal and spiritual growth. 
Guy Kawasaki, Stephen R. Covey, Jim Collins, James Ritchie, Terry and Mary Pitts. 
James Ritchie felt that Launching Leaders should begin its operation working with young adults in New Zealand, it began in 2011. After that, it began teaching in other parts of the world, including the US. 
Of the most meaninful ideas is the concept that not only it is possible to become sucessful financially while still remaining a spiritually-grounded and loving individual, but that these two goals actually work together in complete symbiosis. It encourages individuals to bury the duplicitous life and begin a new path of success and purpose. 

Proof of Concept: Words From Launching Leaders Participants

  • Terry and Mary Pitts, Launching Leaders Founding Members
  • Josh Roa, Launching Leaders Alumni; Auckland, New Zealand
  • Johnson McKay, Original Mentor for Launching Leaders in New Zealand
  • Chelsea Turner, Launching Leaders Alumni; Auckland, New Zealand
  • Tu'u Singsam, Launching Leaders Alumni; Auckland, New Zealand
The Abundant Life
It is indeed possible to mantain an honest, upright, and service-oriented lifestyle while also following the dreams of entrepreneurial and financial success, we saw many of our student's mindsets drastically transform. The phrase, "the abundant life", to describe this state of all-around successful living. 
"The abundant life does not consist of a glut of luxury. It does not make itself content with commercially produced pleasure, the nightclub idea of what is a good time, mistaking it for joy and happiness. On the contrary, obedience to law, respect for others, mastery of self, joy in service-these constitute the abundant life". -Thomas S. Monson 

viernes, 18 de mayo de 2018

Chapter 10: Time To Sell

"A prudent question is one-half of wisdom". -Francis Bacon 

The Finish Line
Any successful entrepreneur must consider his or her exit strategy. The final step in entrepreneurial efforts. By giving yourself some sort of finish line, you help define the ultimate goal of your efforts. Consider what type of future you must desire, and how you'd like your "retirement" to look. It forces you to plan for the future and act effectively in the present. 

Our Selling Experience: A Review of Principles
From start to finish, the principles of spirituality, moral living, keeping covenants, following The Formula, and the many other ideas shared in this book have worked together as the compass for our business actions and decisions. Experience the power of change, the need of change, and the benefits of change in our lives. Don't force the things. 
Have specific stipulations may or not make your list of selling requeriments, the lesson here is to ponder what fundamental principles are most important to you and your business. Stand up for the principles important to you and make their maintenance actual requeriments for anybody interested in buying your company. 

Some questions:

  • What involvement do you desire after the sale, and how will you ensure that it happens?
  • How will you protect your associates, the team that "got you there" in the first place?
  • How will your company's culture be protected, and how will you keep the company from morphing into another empire with an entirely different identity?
  • Does the sale contract reflect the exit strategy that's best for your, your family, and your future?
  • What selling price is right? How much is "enough"? Will the sale set you up with income sufficient for retirement? Will it allow you to fund your philanthropy work and create the future style of service you desire? 

Chapter 9: The Unseen Difference

"I have never thought of writing for reputation and honor. What I have in my heart must come out; that is the reason why I compose". -Ludwing van Beethoven. 

It's All About Others.
Focus on building up those around us, to be a positive influence in the lives of others. How much life is not about "me". We focus in serving others and uplifting those around us, we ourselves are blessed. By serving others, we demonstrate our love for and faith in God. 

Success Is Not A Solo Project
How deeply dependent we are on God. Also with partners, mentors, associates, and clients. When we combine an understanding of the collaborative nature of professional success with the recognition that business and financial successes are ultimately intended to bless the lives of others, it becomes possible to become the unseen difference. 

Be The Unseen Difference
The unseen difference is guidance, mentorship, and leadership given and shared "behind the scenes". It embodies one of the most personal, genuine, and in the end, successful ways to share and receive wisdom. These lessons are almost always the most powerful. 

Tom Rath outlines eight roles to be filled by people in a relationship:

  1. Builder
  2. Champion
  3. Collaborator
  4. Companion
  5. Connector
  6. Energizer
  7. Mind opener
  8. Navigator
The important thing is to find your special niche in the contributions you can make, and then focus on using this to become a positive force in the lives of those around you. 

We can all become the unseen difference by simply imparting and sharing, in a sincere manner, those things we feel will help others in what they're trying to accomplish. As we focus on being the unseen difference in the live of others, a whole network of help and support is created. 

Chapter 8: Giving Back

"I knew a man, they thought him mad, the more he gave, the more he had". -Anonymous

Giving back had always been a principle of central importance in our personal lives. It's important to understand that we should never give or serve with the expectation that our lives will suddenly become more prosperous as a result of our service."Giving back must be sincere and selfless, not superficial and self-serving." (Page 149). It changes hearts. Serving others is truly what gives life meaning and purpose. 

Make It Happen 

  1. Bridge The Gap: To ensure that your personal life and your professional life are consistent with one another. Make it a high priority in your personal life as well. You will have the conviction needed to act consistently and confidently. 
  2. Plan On Giving: When we make plans, we make a decision so that when it comes time to act, we already know what we will do. The key is to make giving a planned activity.
  3. Focus On Stewardship: Carefully consider what you and your own family realistically need. After ensuring that all responsibilites and duties have been fully met, you can devote your remaining resources to giving back. Findind such a balance is good entrepreneurial stewardship. 
  4. Consider Money, Time, And Sweat: Money isn't the only way to serve, donating your time and personal effort are so extremely helpful and deeply rewarding. The act of giving, and the subsequent experience of seeing some degree of light and hope come into the lives of those you serve is worth every dollar spent, minute of time donated, and drop of sweat given. 
  5. Track Progress: Track the progress and the outcome of your efforts. Simply to record gratitude: theirs and ours. 
Wrapping It Up
When we put our efforts on giving back, we become more closely to work associates, clients, and employees, and we ourselves become more humble. Also, know the central role of God in this process. It's been given to us through the blessings and kindness of our loving Heavenly Father. Knowing this, how can we feel justified in not sharing, serving, and giving back?
The more we devote our resources and efforts toward helping those around us, the more God blesses us with happiness and safety. 

Chapter 7: The Personal Constitution

"Vision without effort is a daydreaming; effort without vision is druggery; but vision, coupled with effort, will obtain the prize" -Thomas S. Monson. 

Put together the Personal Constitution needs months of writing, pondering, praying, and re-writing. With it we can discover new and important things about ourselves, it can guide our lifes. 

James Ritchie: On Personal Constitutions
Productivity pyramid:
The need for each of us to have role models who inspire us to become better, the need to have a person in our lifes who we look up, and who inspires us to become better. Becoming better is what the Personal Constitution is all about. A document outlining who you want to be and what you're going to do to accomplish this objective.  We need a foundational system of values to give us constant strenght and guidance. 
The first step is to identify those values or personal qualities mos important to you. That will define what type of person you want yourself to become. Examples: integrity, ethical living, loyalty, morality, friendliness, being charitable, and being trustworthy. After that, we have to prioritize. Keep in mind the principles of The Formula. 
It's time to begin writing our Personal Constitution. Begin with your most important value and write a sentence that begins "I am", and ends with a description of that value. 

Example: -"I am like the Savior". Then build this sentence into a paragraph: "I am like the Savior. I think the way He thought, act the way He acted, speak the way He spoke, and treat everyone the way He treated them". 
"I am totally honest in all my personal, family, and business dealings. I am trusted with my fellow beings and would do nothing to damage or harm any of those relationships". 

Long Term Goals
Time to move out up the pyramid and focus setting goals, identify what needs to be done to transform yourself. Long term and short term goals. You should build directly off the "I am" statements of your identifying values exercise. 
Must be written out in "I will" statements. It commits you to take actions and complete tasks. 

Example: I will be financially independent by the age of 55, meaning that I will be able to live off the profits, interests, or dividends of my businesses and investments without the need to 'go to work'". 

Short Term Goals 
Those things you will do the current year that will move you closer to accomplishing your long term goals. Uses clear and direct language that commits to action. 

Example: I will add to my Independence Account 13% of my gross earnings and 75% of any capital gains of profits I generate this year". 

The Daily Task List
Each minute of the day: Productivity Points. We need to take full advantage of every Productivity Point. Your daily tasks and personal assignments that you will accomplish that day. 
Using sentences beginning with the phrase: "Today I will". Motor of your progression; it can only be traveled through short and consistent daily steps. 

The End Result
When you're serious about achieving these goals, you'll begin planning each day, and as you follow these plans, you'll find yourself taking full advantage of every Productivity Point-every minute-you've been given. "You will notice yourself becoming a better husband, wife, sibling, or friend". (Page 139). 

Create Your Own Personal Constitution: Steve's How-To Guide
PAGE 140, 141, 142. 143. 

sábado, 12 de mayo de 2018

Chapter 6: Financial Fitness

"Financial freedom is a part of the ground happy people stand on". -James Christiansen

Understanding how to effectively manage our financial resources has been a critical component to all our successes. 

James Ritchie: Financial Fitness

Wealth is a tool of service and sharing, be the most meaningful and productive. Self-reliance is the true goal, not being rich. Maintaining a healthy attitude toward money also makes it easier to recognize and take advantage of opportunities to serve others; this is the true joy of financial independence. 

The Richest Man in Babylon, by George Clason, summarizes the principle of Financial Fitness. 

The first principle: hard work. Without sustained and consistent hard work, nothing else is possible.

Independence Account, Second principle: pay yourself first. Pay ourselves a portion of everything we earn, at least 10%  
Third principle: a part of all you earn is yours to keep. The Golden Account (Investments and Assets)

Budget Account, something like a checkbook that receives barely enough to cover the frugal written budget from paycheck to paycheck. 

Savings Account, to covering any irregular expenses such as holidays, birthdays, insurance, and emergencies, "wish list". Never takes higher priority that the Budget Account or Independence Account. 

Knowing you are in control of your life and are working to maximize your opportunities; self-worth, self-esteem, and productivity will expand. Also, serve others will also become greater. Self-reliance will bring you the true purpose of life and the source of greatest happiness: giving back and building a better world.